Soft-drink serving sizes are 4-6 times larger than in 1970. The addition of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) to soft drinks makes them high-calorie, low-nutrient foods. The high-fructose loads from the HFCS are processed by the liver and end up largely as triglycerides (fats) stored in the fat cells, which promotes obesity. Many scientists blame the current obesity epidemic on the high intake of HFCS. A University of California, Davis study led by Peter Havel, found that overweight adults gained abdominal fat when 25% of their calories came from fructose. Subjects given glucose gained the same amount of weight, but it was more evenly distributed throughout the body. Abdominal fat deposition increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes and high blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables containing fructose are healthy foods because they are high in volume and nutrients and low in calories. Fructose in HFCS is highly concentrated, difficult to metabolize and promotes obesity and heart disease.
(Paper presented at Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, June 2008)
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